Acabo de recibir una nota de la Academia Kens explicándome el malentendido con inmigración en el aeropuerto el día de llegada y quisiera aclararlo.
Al parecer el problema surgió porque algunos profesores/as dijeron a inmigración que iban a Canadá a trabajar, pagados ( quizás estaban nerviosos o no hubo un problema con el idioma y no entendieron bien a los/las policías de inmigración). Si se va a trabajar a un colegio, sí se necesita certificado médico; si - como era nuestro caso- se va a observar, no es necesario; de ahí que, una vez aclarado el entuerto, nos hubiesen dejado entrar al país sin más problemas.
Ésta es la aclaración:
Ésta es la aclaración:
Some teachers told immigration that they were coming here to work and also that they were getting paid. This is where the problem arose because the moment you enter a foreign country to work and especially for paid work, you require a visa. In the case of working in schools in Canada, in addition to the work visa, you would need a medical checkup. Since you were not working and therefore DID NOT require a visa (since it is never required for these types of programs as they are observation programs not work programs), you DID NOT require a medical. The problem is that after certain teachers said this, the immigration officers did not believe that you were all going there to observe and so it needed to be cleared up by me and by Lester B Pearson as well before we could convince immigration otherwise.