martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Tuesday 20th

It was so much darker as we left home this morning
As a result of the elections, there is a Liberal majority government in Canada now. As it is only natural, not everybody is happy with the result, especially the francophones here, in Quebec province.

Today is Day 6 at school and it is the protest day for teachers at St. Thomas. Because of the 'work to rule' many things have been cancelled in schools and here, in St. Thomas, they have decided not to have the 'Open House Day´ next Thursday: that is the day when parents come over, have a look at the school and talk to teachers and current students to make up their minds as for choosing this school for their children. Other schools have maintained theis 'Open House Days´ but not St. Thomas so they are afraid this will lower the enrollment next year.

Period 2: (8:50-9:45) & Period 3 (9:55-10:45): English 1IB 

These two groups of students took their AMNSD test today. Instructions: they needed their Hillroy test books, a copy of the play for each one of them (that was on the tables when they came in) and a black or blue pen. Some students had left their test books in their lockers and they could go and get them only when the question sheet had been read aloud and explained to the class. One student had even forgotten to get a test book; he did get one from the teacher but he will have to bring another one tomorrow.

They could use the test paper for notes but at the end of the class they had to tuck it in their Hillroy books.

The test had 3 questions; it was a subject test. They were expected to answer question 1 (about the setting of the story) in a couple of lines, question 2 (creating tweets about a character in the story) in bullet points and question 3 (about the themes) could be as long as they needed. As for the grading, it was out of 60, so each question was 20%, but there is no rubric for this test as the answers will be subjective.

During the test, a video was playing, mute, "Liam Neeson stares at you for 10 hours", as a reminder that they were not allowed to talk to each other.

In both classes, only one student finished the test so the teacher took the tests and question sheets in but tomorrow they will get the first 10 minutes of the class to finish the test. (This is something I have never seen in Spanish schools; we would be afraid the students would prepare an answer, ask someone to write it for them and what not, but here they seem to accept that may happen, but they do not care, 'so what?,' they say. They think it is OK for students to revise at home and prepare the answers because the students will have to write a personal justification after all)


Period 5 (12:40-13:30): English 3IB

The introduction to the class was a long talk about the weekend. The teacher usually asks the students about their weekend on Mondays and students usually raise their hand, if they want to share what they did with the others. Today the students gave lots of details: babysitting for 24 hours, grandmother ranting on about an aunt, camping (which was not fun because of the cold, the rain and the frost)...( I find this action of showing interest in students´lives and hobbies very interesting; they are usually very respectful and attentive when they listen to their classmates and I guess it shows the student that the teacher cares, too. It is also a way of getting to know them better)

The students were reminded that they are expected to upload the videos for their projects in YouTube and send the link to Mr. Katz, who will then create a playlist with all of them. Some students will also include a video with bloopers. The project is group work, except for the reflections, and consists of the following parts:
  • an outline
  • a storyboard
  • the video
  • individual reflections - 150 to 300 words long - about the process, the choices made, the reason for the changes that took place...

In order to revise for the test, today they did an activity on Socrative which they really enjoyed and helped them to discuss the novel with their classmates

Period 6 (13:35-14:25): English 3IM

They finished  the reading of `Monster´and  they handed in their projects 

Cosas que aprendí hoy:

Hoy me enteré de que la evaluación continua se basa en el siguiente porcentaje: 20% para la 1ª evaluación, 20% para la 2ª y 60% para la 3ª. El alumnado recibe el boletin de notas tres veces durante el curso: final de noviembre, final de febrero, y en junio.

Las asignaturas de 'History, Maths, and Science' tienen 'midterm tests', asi que, justo antes de las vacaciones de Navidad, que es cuando coinciden esos examenes, no hay clases para ese alumnado, solo examenes.

En Quebec, la enseñanza es en inglés y francés al 50%. las asignaturas que se enseñan en francés obligatoriamente son: Geografía e Historia, Francés y Ciencias. El idioma de la asignatura de Arte depende del profesor/a. El resto son en inglés: Inglés, Educación Física, Informática.

Hay una gran variedad de asignaturas optativas; cada colegio elige las suyas pero el denominador común es la orientación práctica para la vida cotidiana: marketing, contabilidad, música, teatro, danza, diseño gráfico, ebanistería, cocina, cantidad y variedad depende del profesorado y de las instalaciones

También me enteré de que no existe personal de la limpieza en los colegios, los conserjes realizan esa función pero no hacen fotocopias, por ejemplo, cada profesor/a hace las suyas y el alumnado ninguna. 

No existen tutores; hay dos dias al año para recibir a los padres, fijados por el centro (el mismo día para todos/as, es decir, una romería - con lo ordenados que son para otras cosas, ésta me parece planificada sin pies ni cabeza): cada profesor/a recibe en su aula a los padres/madres que quieren hablar con él/ella en horario de 17:00 a 21:00 con un pequeño descanso a las 19:00 - si ya no hay más padres, se van... Los padres no piden cita, esperan estoicamente y en fila - claro, son canadienses - a que les llegue su turno. Si el profesorado quiere informar a un padre/madre de algún problema con su hijo/a, lo llama por teléfono; y los padres/madres envian notas al profesorado por medio de su hijo o de las oficinas. Para suplir la labor de información que hacen los tutores en España, al principio de la segunda clase del día se leen todos los avisos por megafonía y el final siempre es el mismo:`Thank you very much for listening and have a great day!.

Temperature in Montreal today: 1º /16º C

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