Entrada principal a St. Thomas High School
Encantadas de posar:
Cosas que aprendí hoy:
- He conseguido entender un poco mejor el sistema escolar canadiense:
2 to 5 (years): Pre-school or Kindergarten
6 to 11 (years): Grades 1 to 6 - Elementary
12 to 14 (years): Grades 7 to 9 - Junior high (este es el nivel que Mr. Katz imparte y que yo estoy observando)
15 to 18 (years): Grades 10 to 12 - Senior high
- Los estudiantes canadienses asisten al colegio 180 días al año y el profesorado 200. Los 20 días de diferencia son `PED Days´(=Professional Educational Development, `PD´abreviado) (Creo que me coincidirá uno de ellos durante mi estancia así que procuraré enterarme de en qué consisten exactamente)
- el alumnado extranjero que llega a Quebec es automáticamente integrado en una escuela francesa. Excepciones: que llegue con visado para un período corto de tiempo o que sea un estudiante `mayor´y haya hecho sus estudios hasta ese momento en inglés
- Hoy era `Attestation/Attendance Day´. Creo que consiste en lo siguiente: las clases empezaron el día 1 de septiembre y hoy, día 30, se supone que se han acabado los cambios en los grupos, las modificaciones en los horarios... (o sea que el profesorado del primer mundo, los canadienses, se vuelve tan loco como nosotros las primeras semanas de clase - para bien o para mal) así que, justo un mes después de empezar las clases, se registra, a primera hora, la asistencia del alumnado para que quede constancia de la distribución final de los grupos. Pero una de las medidas de protesta del sindicato de profesores era precisamente no entregar el informe. No puedo decir si en nuestra escuela lo entregó todo el mundo porque tengo la impresión de que todo lo relacionado con el tema de las protestas resulta muy incómodo para la gente.El profesorado ha dejado de hacer las actividades extraescolares que normalmente se llevan a cabo al final de la jornada lectiva, de 14:25 a 16:00, más o menos: deportes, la banda de música, teatro, actividades de apoyo o refuerzo dentro de las aulas - no a alumnado con problemas, simplemente a estudiantes que están atrasados o necesitan explicaciones individualmente... y todo esto sin cobrarlo, como parte del horario. Con esta protesta, el profesorado quiere que todo el mundo sea consciente de la cantidad de horas que trabajan y de todo lo que hacen `sin cobrar´ - y, después de un mes, realmente el alumnado está perdiendo mucho. Es doloroso para todos: el que se beneficia de la actividad y el que la programa y lleva a cabo porque cree en el beneficio que supone. Todo esto es parte del `work to rule´: los acuerdos de los sindicatos respecto al desarrollo de las protestas: qué hacen y qué no hacen
- el horario de profesorado y alumnado no se repite cada semana - como en nuestro caso- sino cada 6 días (`a 6-day cycle´). Hoy fue el `Day 1´
Y éste es el horario de Mr. Katz:
Lessons today:
Grade 7 English (Period 1 & Period 2)
Before the students came into the classroom, Madison left their notebooks on the tables; as soon as the students came in, they opened them to read the long notes she had written. They looked really interested in her comments
Today they read Act 3, Scene 2 of `A Midnight Summer´s Dream´, though there were plenty of volunteers to read, Glenn played the part of Titania and they all thought that was very funny
After the reading, Madison helped them remember the most important things that happened in this scene and then write them down on their notebooks
After some reflection on how things had gone in the two previous lessons, Glenn and Madison worked on one activity they are preparing for Grade 9 - lots of planning!
Grade 9 English (Period 4)
The students were greeted with a 15-minute long in-class writing assignment:
What is the difference between `hearing´and `listening´? Are you a good listener? Explain.
They had to include 3 things:
- date
- 60 words
- #
Afterwards, Glenn started reading `Farenheit 451´; he stopped from time to time to ask some comprehension questions, to make sure the students got the content, or to explain some literary devices (the ones he elicited today were alliteration and allusion)
Grade 9 English (Period 5)
The students read outloud, from their desks, a long piece of the novel they are reading in class, `Monster´
Madison read a long part and then she started the preparation of the next assignment: the students had to pair up and think of a song that could work well as the background music of the scene that takes place in pages 121-126
Last Period:
Madison and Glenn went to the library to exchange views on the lessons today and keep planning future lessons. As usual, they both left with loads of notebooks to correct
The computers at the library were taken by another English teacher´s Grade 9 class - and I am afraid they were distracted by the clicks of the camera...
The students read outloud, from their desks, a long piece of the novel they are reading in class, `Monster´
Madison read a long part and then she started the preparation of the next assignment: the students had to pair up and think of a song that could work well as the background music of the scene that takes place in pages 121-126
Last Period:
Madison and Glenn went to the library to exchange views on the lessons today and keep planning future lessons. As usual, they both left with loads of notebooks to correct
The computers at the library were taken by another English teacher´s Grade 9 class - and I am afraid they were distracted by the clicks of the camera...
Before coming home, we picked Arielle up from daycare and then we called it a day
The weather today: 12ºC - 6ºC
The weather yesterday: 24ºC - 13ºC