El profesorado de Quebec está organizando protestas en contra de ciertas decisiones del gobierno - han pospuesto la huelga hasta saber el resultado de las elecciones generales el día 19 de octubre. Estos son los puntos de desacuerdo:
- el aumento de la ratio a 40 estudiantes/grupo
- la eliminación de la financiación a los programas para niños/as con necesidades especiales
- un recorte de 800 profesores/as de educación especial y de apoyo
- dos años de congelación del sueldo (el profesorado pide llegar a un aumento del 13.5% durante los próximos 3 años)
- recortes en los planes de pensiones
Zona de ordenadores en la biblioteca:
Me encantaría que las paredes, pasillos y escaleras tuvieran este tipo de decoración en nuestro centro - recuerdan a Tibble
Cosas que me llamaron la atención en las clases :
- los estudiantes usan los Chrome books de las aulas pero traen sus propios ratones de casa
- hay una bandeja en el centro de las mesas para dejar los teléfonos móviles
- los libros y carpetas que no caben en las mesas, se depositan en el suelo
- los horarios semanales de los estudiantes, hoy fue el día 6; estos son de alumnado de Grade 7:
y éste de Grade 8 (POP= Personal Orientation Program):
GRADE 7 ENGLISH (2nd & 3rd classes in the morning )
At the very beginning of the lesson there was an announcement over the loudspeakers explaining that some google accounts had been suspended - which was the reason why some students were having difficulties signing in. That also meant that the Chrome books did not work so the students would have to do their work by hand. As for the homework assignments in the blog due tomorrow, students were told to print them, if they did not feel comfortable with emailing the teacher from their private addresses.
These students had not written a formal essay before but they were given very clear instructions; it was in-class writing so everything ( the explanation plus the writing) was done in class.
These are two of the essays given in at the end of the lesson:
GRADE 9 ENGLISH at 12:35
This is the class that is reading Farenheit 451. Glenn read for them a long part of one of the chapters, while the students seriously followed in their books - maybe because, like one student said, "He looks so happy when he reads"
Glenn used this part of the book to explain some vocabulary - like "apathetic"- and some literary devices - like allegory, which he explained using Plato´s allegory of the cave, after reading this quote from the novel:" Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave". A very well-designed explanation.
GRADE 9 ENGLISH (last lesson of the day)
The students in this class finished off their introspective writing about "How do I see myself? Am I like the others see me?"; after editing their writing following the long comments Madison had written on them ( and this was important since on the rubric it said you had to make changes), they wrote their text on the lines of their enlarged fingerprints. They could listen to music on their earphones while they were copying their text.
And so we got to the end of the school day...
Eu tamén o penso, o noso cole é moooi soso... Qué pereza de decoración! Jajaja...
ResponderEliminarBelén, estaría bien hace una especie de concurso de ideas para decorar los pasillos, ¿verdad? : grafiti, imágenes, fotos... ¿Crees que tendríamos apoyo en el claustro y en el consejo escolar?